My ancestors left Africa 50k years ago. They settled in the Middle East 45k years ago. They moved into southern central Asia 40k years ago. Then they moved into cental Asia 35k years ago. About 30k years ago, as CroMagnon's they colonized Europe. Most people in modern Spain and Ireland carry the same haplogroup as me. Your Y-chromosome results identify you as a member of haplogroup R1b. The genetic markers that define your ancestral history reach back roughly 60,000 years to the first common marker of all non-African men, M168, and follow your lineage to present day ending with M343, the defining marker of Haplogroup R1b. If you look at the map highlighting your ancestors' route, you will see that members of haplogroup R1b carry the following Y-chromosome markers: M168 > P143 > M89 > L15 > M9 > M45 > M207 > M173 > M343 (Les...
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