
Showing posts from December, 2009

Genographic Results Delayed

I'm kind of bummed. The Genographic Project failed to find my haplogroup. It's gonna take a couple more weeks. Your sample has completed the DNA analysis phase of testing. However, during quality control your initial results failed to clearly indicate your haplogroup. We must perform additional testing to accurately determine your deep ancestral lineage. This is not uncommon, but will delay the posting of your results by two to three weeks. We appreciate your patience. Please also note that this delay is a sign of the Project's success in increasing the diversity of samples in our database. If we find that there is a problem at any point during the processing of your sample, you will receive an updated message when you log in to check your status.

Human Genographic Project

My DNA has been isolated. In a few weeks I will know the route my ancestors took in their migration out of Africa. I signed up for the Genographic Project. It's a great project run by National Geographic that is mapping the migration history of the human species by using the DNA of hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. A couple of weeks ago I swabbed the inside of my cheeks then put the swab in a solution and shipped it to NatGeo. They received it and started running their lab work. In their words: The cells are broken open by incubation with a protein-cutting enzyme overnight. Chemicals and the samples are transferred into deep well blocks for robotic DNA isolation. The blocks of chemicals and samples are placed on the extraction robot. The robotic DNA isolation uses silica-coated iron beads. In the presence of the appropriate chemicals DNA will bind to silica. The robot then uses magnetic probes to collect the beads (and DNA) and transfer them through several...

My Family of Elves

This thing is addicting. Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Country Elves

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


I love this site. According to the 'About' Page it's a "showcase for people around the world to document their lives and cultures. Anyone can submit one large, captioned image to each of Pictory’s editorial themes." I just submitted this picture in the "My Most Meaningful Image" catagory. It pales compared to the other submissions but it means something to me and that's all that's required. Here's the blurb I wrote for it: I was somewhere in Nevada and two weeks into the journey that I'd wanted to do since I was a kid. I started out in Washington DC and turned around in Seattle. The Bonneville Salt Flats were not too far up ahead with the Rockies further on. It was a hot day, 105.8F, with a slight breeze. After hours of riding with the muffled drone of my bike's boxer engine I pulled over to the side of a desert highway to enjoy the silence. I got off my bike, grabbed my camera, and stood in the middle of the road. I knew as soon a...

Home Energy Use

I dropped my energy use by an average of $8/month from 2008 to 2009. Nice! Sometime soon I will calculate how much trees, carbon emissions, etc that saves.