
Showing posts from 2008


Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen gets it.
Use of IT Systems and Social Networks to Save the Asian Elephant Michael Brashier BSIT Major, George Mason University Introduction The Asia Elephant has seen its population decline from approximately 200,000 in the year 1900[ i ] to somewhere between 35,000 and 50,000 in 2005[ ii ]. The primary contributor to this population decline is of course man. The most damaging man-made threats are encroachment, logging, and poaching. During the 1900’s and early 21 st century the human population of Southeast Asia increased exponentially. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar (formerly Burma), China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia all have native Asian elephant populations that have been encroached upon by farmland. Farming reduces the elephant’s grazing land and increases the frequency of contact between humans and elephants. These incidents of...

Amazing water photo

harveyfish Originally uploaded by michaelb1 One of the parents at the swim team meet took this great photo of Harvey.

Attic Foil seems to work

Since I installed radiant heat barrier foil in my attic my electricity bill has gone down. Compared to the same month last year I have used 14% fewer KWH. In giving the foil credit for the savings I am assuming all other things are equal such as AC, applicances usage etc. I saved $21 dollars the first month I installed the foil. At this rate I will get full ROI in 7 months. Nice.

The temperature in my house

The temperature in my house Originally uploaded by michaelb1 Today was the first day since I installed radiant heat barrier foil that was hot enough (97degrees) to collect some good data. I went around the house with a digital thermometer and collected some temp. readings. As you can see from the colorful diagram I made the foil works. There is an 11 degree temperature diiferential on either side of the foil. I got the foil from for around $135/thousand sq ft. This is about half the price of what Home Depot and Lowes charge for this. By my calculations it will pay for itself by the end of summer.

Obama FTP!

Obama FTP! Originally uploaded by michaelb1 Moving on....

Picture in Picture

Picture in Picture Originally uploaded by michaelb1 This is the picture that pissed off tens of thousands of people in the DC area.

BagHacker slides

These are the slides I presented to a group of MBA students at George Mason U. the other night. My hope is that their report on my business idea will include a lot of valuable data about how to make this thing take off. I've done a lot research myself over the past 3 months but I hope these MBA's can give me some insight into the market space I'm in as well as effective strategies and logistics stuff.

Spring has sprung!

Violet Originally uploaded by michaelb1 At moments like this it is appropriate that we named Violet after a flower.
Let’s See How Funny This Is in 25 Years Originally uploaded by gruber I'm gettting 4 of these. One for each of my kids and another for my sister. (via Grubers flickr pool)

Well well well

I finally started a blog that is not .Mac. When I woke up this SuperBowl morning I didn't plan on starting a new blog. We'll see how this goes.